Wednesday, September 07, 2005



After a 2 hour cycle ride accross London, commencing 5am, i find myself 20th in the q outside the Russian Embassy. Contrary to other peoples experiences that u are in the same position as the other people and everyone will talk to you and u'll have friends for life, i find myself between some very nice brazzilians who, unfortunately, speak only to each other (in portugese) and a man doing advanced su doku puzzles. Who does hard stuff like that at 7 in the morning?? By 8am i have been singing "i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more" for three hours solidly. (i blame u Andy.) In actual fact the cycling means that i couldn't walk half a mile let alone 1000 as the song suggests. Also im dying for a piss. I get to the front at 10. they take my passport and my money. I return at 4 they give me my passport complete with my very expensive sticker. I have a visa.

My first quest is to seek out Moscow's 4 types of picnic bar. I leave London tomorrow. I will keep u posted.

By 8am i have been singing "i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more" for three hours solidly. (i blame u Andy.)

Surely you mean 'I Thank u Andy. Were you singing it in harmony with the Lasgo track or the arguably lesser original proclaimers version?
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