Saturday, February 18, 2006



i had all sorts of things to say but my head is still moving as though it were a train and my eyes are having problems connecting with keyboard letters as a result. Soon im off to explore Riga. It will be better this time - i can talk with more people - i have perfected the art of pointing and i know where my bus stop is... Im sorry this isn't interesting i shall go away now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


poison poison poison tasty fish

i had this yellow lumminous pudding from the canteen the other day - i was bound by my NYR to try it but it nearly killed me and the 6 other people who were curious. I don't know what it was it was so horrible. I don't even know if it was supposed to be a pudding cos it was in the salad section but it wasn't salad. On a better note i have found the most amazing smoked cheese from the van outside my metro stop, its not square its cylindrical - Annners im writing you a letter telling you all about it.

see ya soon x


wanna hangout?

Im gonna b in Leeds next week. so if ya fancy hanging out i'll probably b there tues, wed and thur. I need to go for a curry, eat chips from cantors and drink a nice cup o tea. join me if you fancy it....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


picnic, pochta, post

I haven't sent them yet- cos i haven't worked out how but i have found 5 types of picnic bar. This country is amazing. I ate one as well so now theres 4. it wasn't great. weather has stopped at a steady -20 its ok i can deal with that. went sledging last weekend it was so much fun. thanks loads for everyone who has been sending letters - my babooshka has stopped asking who they are all from she just unceromoniously plonks them in my room now. she is a very strange old lady but not unnice. she talks to me a lot and sometimes we hangout in the kitchen and disscus our favourite teas. hers is "Mrs Grey" - it took me a while to work out that that meant Lady Grey.

Andy - thanx for the calendar it is fantastic!

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