Sunday, July 16, 2006


Pet hates

I've never had a pet but theres a few things i hate

People who think its ok to stand you up. Agree to do something with you and then just never show. Without a by or leave.

Employment agencies. They take your money and treat you like shit. always.

Chav dog owners. fancy attiring your long haired alsasian in a studded belt collar and calling him Prince. As though the concept of a "Chav dog" exists

Telephone boxes - obviously

yeah well, theres a whole load of other things but i can't be bothered to talk about that now.

i hate people who stand you up, lie you down, knock you over, generally position you any way they please or that manipulate you mentally even in fact i hate people that look at me too hard.

never liked employment agencies enougth to use them after realising how shit they treat my mates.

dont like chav dogs especially if they bite, such bad fashion & poor manners not too keen on their owners cause they let their dogs treat them like that how submissive.

telephone boxes are ok superman likes them too, dont like using phones in general though, they wait in the shadows & mug you if not fed enougth.

i really like to hear from my mates though even if it aint good news, im sorry to hear your in a stinky mood, i and a few others at cs have been ill ranging from tummy ache to full on violent vomiting & dizzy spells bet you cant guess which of us vomited. but i went to a nice party last night didnt drink cause im good now & did a bit of african style drumming which was cool. stay cool & keep truckin, carlo x
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